Assessment Activities

The collection of assessment activities provides summative, formative, ipsative and authentic assessment types divided into the competency types: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes.


Competency type:
Competency type:

Competency Types

There is a shift in what students need in order to fulfil their potential, from the previous focus on knowledge, skills, and competencies to a focus on knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values, meaning encompassing not only knowing and doing, but also being.


Knowledge includes theoretical concepts and ideas in addition to practical understanding based on the experience of having performed certain tasks. This is the competency type to know and knowledge.


Skills are the ability and capacity to carry out processes and be able to use one’s knowledge in a responsible way to achieve a goal. They involve mobilising knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to meet complex demands. This is the competency type to do & skills.


Compromises of both attitudes and values, and refers to the principles and beliefs that influence one’s choices, judgements, behaviours and actions on the path towards individual, societal and environmental well-being. This is the competency type to be and attitudes.

Assessment Types

To assess whether the intended learning outcomes were attained by the teaching activities, a collection of 12 assessment activities is provided. The collection consists of summative, formative, ipsative and authentic assessment types divided into the competency types: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes.


The purpose of summative assessment is to gauge students’ comprehension of the material. It refers to evaluating the student’s learning, knowledge proficiency, or success at the end of the process. And it is primarily used to compare students and/or report progress accordingly.


Formative assessment helps students and instructors identify and close gaps. It promotes reflection about learning and teaching and charts the development of these processes over time. It is utilised by teachers in order to gain an understanding of their students’ knowledge and skills in order to guide instruction.


Ipsative assessment compares a learner's current work with previous works - either in the same field through time or in comparison with other fields. It's a highly personalised form of assessment where progress is measured against the needs and goals of the individual, not in comparison to external standards or performance of peers.


Authentic assessment puts an emphasis on the importance of contextualised tasks not being assessed in a "judgmental" way based on specific goal descriptions and criteria-based assessments as it will limit the authenticity. Instead, It is the educational context consisting of a problem identification that points to a "real-life practice'' that is the focal point of view of the assessment activity, where students must present their ability to translate and integrate their knowledge. The participation of stakeholder or people from an external community of practice constitutes an essential premise for conducting authentic assessment