Applying knowledge to real-world examples


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Applying knowledge to real-world examples is an authentic assessment method for assessing the student's thoughts, knowledge and ideas on identifying values in design (their own or others’). The students’ learning is assessed by applying their knowledge on values in design on real-world examples. The assessment activity allows students to elaborate on the identified values in design in relation to their own personal values, worldviews and visions on values in design.


Applying knowledge to real-world examples is an authentic assessment method aimed at assessing the knowledge the students have acquired. The activity allows the students to, in an authentic way, apply their knowledge specific to values in design by finding examples of products, systems or services and identifying the underlying values.

This assessment activity allows the teachers to see whether the intended learning outcomes of the teaching activity have been achieved, by asking students to apply their knowledge about values to real-world examples based on the suggested assessment criteria listed in the teaching activity.

The assessment activity allows the teacher to assess students' acquired vocabulary and knowledge in relation to values in design, such as ethics, value systems, or products, systems or services, etc.


After the teaching activity, ask the students to apply their knowledge about values in design by identifying values in real-world examples of products, systems and services.

Instructions to the students:

Step 1:

  • Select three examples of products, systems or services used in everyday life.

Step 2:

  • Identify the underlying values in the three examples and note down words, concepts, responses, reflections or implications of values.

Step 3:

  • Elaborate on your own personal values, worldview and vision of values in design and relate to the values in the three examples.

The following steps, are optional:

Step 4:

  • Share your real-world examples and your notes with the other students.

Step 5:

  • Look at the other students’ real-world examples to deepen and broaden your knowledge (and revise your real-world examples if necessary).


When doing an authentic assessment, it is important to focus on how the students apply their knowledge about values in design by relating to real-world examples. That is, if the students are able to translate and reflect upon the new knowledge that they have acquired through the teaching activity into real-life practice?

When reviewing the students’ identification of values in real-world examples,it might be helpful to pay attention to the following optional proposals for focus points depending on the content of the related teaching activity:

  • To what extent do the students meet the assessment criteria listed in the teaching activity?
  • How deep and broad are the students' knowledge when it comes to identifying values in real-world examples?
  • Are there apparent knowledge gaps in the students’ analyses of real-world examples?

For further professional development consider:

  • What are the specific learning outcomes or assessment criteria that students are particularly successful/unsuccessful in demonstrating?
  • Are there any exemplary real-world examples that work particularly well in addressing the intended learning outcomes and assessment criterias (consider sharing these with the students)?